Saturday, March 18, 2006

Well I went down and entered two paintings in the Glendale arts council show yesterday even though I don't have much confidence that they will be juried in. Some people that I know seem to think it is important to do this , so your work will be seen in public, I guess. They also say "if you don't play, you can't win" Well I guess I am betting my 40$ entrance fee on that. It will be nice I suppose, to see them hang in a show if only for three days. The paintings I entered are " the fairies bath" an " me too?" I haven't previously put the second one on my blog but I will if I have a photo of it. I am presently working on a skyscape, just started and and interesting cactus study. I guess I really need to do more work of a southwest flavor if I want to paint for the market. But do I? That is the question isn't it?


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