Sunday, April 16, 2006

We had a very nice Easter weekend with Colleen , Jason, Cliah , Roman and Mattie down to visit. Oh, and they also brought their lovable lab Buddy too. On saturday we colored eggs and goofed off and today we hunted eggs and goofed off! We also prepared lots of food and ate it! In between times we chased kids cleaned up after kids and cuddled Mattie the newest addition, who wants to be held almost all the time. It was exhausting! but I loved it. Carol

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Here are one of the pod pictures and one of the river pictures. I took quite a number of each so i don't know which ones I"ll use.
Well, I feel a little better about putting some of my paintings up for sale today. Karl convinced me to put gallery prices on them so if they sell I will feel good about it. I guess it is kind of ridiculous to hang on to all of them forever. I have some good ideas for a new painting coming up. I took some interesting pictures of the river and also a large dried flower pod. Sound stupid , huh? Well When I get it painted I'll show it to you.