Saturday, September 15, 2007

This picture of a dahlia is not from our trip but from my patio. It is my first attempt at growing a dahlia. It was always too hot in phx., and they are so beautiful.

Mary and I created this picture out of pieces of cloth glued on canvas board. It was a challenging project but it turned out kind of neat, don't you think?

Grandpa went fishing with Owen and Ella on the beach. A lot of line tangling went on here with no fish caught but it was a beautiful day!

Ella and I painted this painting on the wall of her room( she did most of the work) Grandma mostly advised. Ella and grandma testing the raspberry, huckleberry jam. It was great!My daughter Mary Janet, ultimate hostess and hot dog cooker!
We had an nice picnic on this beach and had fun searching for beach glass. I am still thinking up projects for all that glass.

Mary and Mark built a guest room cabin so guests can have their own space with a lovely view of the ocean.
We had a wonderful time visiting Mary, Mark, Owen and Ella this year. So many interesting things happened.
One morning while we were eating breakfast pancakes that Mark had made for everyone , someone spotted two bucks strolling on the beach. The Hillberrys got really excited with the thought of all that venison they could put up for winter. So without further ado Mark , the great hunter went out and shot one. Karl and Mark spent the morning preparing the venison for canning and Mary and Carol did that part. I am not sure when Mark got to eat his pancakes!
We had a good time picking raspberries and huckleberries and making lots of jam and pies. No wonder Karl and I gained weight! We also were able to take home an ice chest full of fish and shrimp, courtesy of Mark and Mary. Karl did catch some of it.
Mary and Mark are raising chickens now and we had a homegrown chicken dinner, yum.
Homemade raspberry pie from Alaskan grown raspberries.

The raspberry patch where we picked the raspberries to make the pie!



Blogger John and Judith said...

It looks like you guys had a great time up in Alaska. That pie looks delicious:I think I gained a pound just looking at the picture.

7:00 PM  

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