Tuesday, March 21, 2006

K and C at home. Will wonders never cease! Both of the paintings I entered in the Glendale show were juried in! I was never more surprised. I never expected that , especially since the subject matter was not something very common. Maybe that was a good thing. Both of these paintings have my granddaughter Ella and Owen as models, unknown to them. P.S. It rained again, what an exciting day!!!


Blogger Colleen said...

Congratulations! I hope you win! I don't know which two paintings you mean though. Should I be jealous for all the paintings with Ella & Owen in them? My kids are cute aren't they? :-)

3:39 PM  
Blogger carol louise said...

You sound like Cliah, don't be jealous. I just haven't found the right one for them yet. Painting people is the hardest thing for me. Mom

7:56 PM  

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