Sunday, January 07, 2007

Mary and Mark All the kids loved this!

Cliah, Ella at picnic
2006 was a busy year for us! We sold our summer home and our home of 30 years in order to move to a cooler climate and retire. At last Karl has retired. I am working part time to help afford it , but I don't mind because I am working for my daughter and I get to spend much more time with her and her three beautiful children.
It has been an adjustment for both Karl and I and seems to be going well so far. The biggest surprise so far is that Karl isn't crazy about cold weather. I on the other hand having quite a bit of natural padding have not been bothered much by it! I think it will probably be awhile before we get used to not living our life around Karls work schedule but I think it will be fun.
I don't have any pictures of our new house yet because we have much to do starting with painting it and lots of landscaping but I have a few pictures of family from thanksgiving time, These I will share. The first picture is of my three kids, Marc, Mary and Colleen (who dad and i call Lini. What a trio!


Blogger John and Judith said...

Nice to see all the pics !! I was wondering when you were going to post something.

5:32 PM  
Blogger Colleen said...

Nice update, I will have to update mine, it is just shameful when you ignore a blog for too long!


3:48 PM  

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