Thursday, March 30, 2006

My house is a mess! I don't know how working women ever keep their houses clean. I have been trying to frame some paintings and prep them to hang for sale and it has been very time consuming. The learning curve is a big part of it I'm sure. I am very up in the air about selling my paintings because they take me so long to make ( a minimum of 5 weeks ) that if I sell them I don't know if I can replace them soon. My husband just walks around the house saying " you could sell that one and that one and that one" He just doesn't realize how this bothers me. I think I would rather give them away to people I know because at least I could see them again when I visit them. I have thought of doing giclees but it is very expensive and not in my budget at this time. Well I guess if I do make some money I could put that aside and in the future do prints of future paintings. I really hate this.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

K and C at home.Every time I hear the phone ring I expect it to be my daughter telling me to get my bag and drive up to her house ( an hours drive) to attend the birth of the new baby. I take my cell phone every where ,turned on all the time so I don't miss the call. I think the anticipation is affecting my sleep. This is her first baby to be born at home and she is pretty nervous about that. I am sure everything will be fine ( she is very good at this job) but I pray for her whenever I think about her, that is what we mothers do. Carol

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

K and C at home. Will wonders never cease! Both of the paintings I entered in the Glendale show were juried in! I was never more surprised. I never expected that , especially since the subject matter was not something very common. Maybe that was a good thing. Both of these paintings have my granddaughter Ella and Owen as models, unknown to them. P.S. It rained again, what an exciting day!!!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

pictures I am currently working on Posted by Picasa
Well I went down and entered two paintings in the Glendale arts council show yesterday even though I don't have much confidence that they will be juried in. Some people that I know seem to think it is important to do this , so your work will be seen in public, I guess. They also say "if you don't play, you can't win" Well I guess I am betting my 40$ entrance fee on that. It will be nice I suppose, to see them hang in a show if only for three days. The paintings I entered are " the fairies bath" an " me too?" I haven't previously put the second one on my blog but I will if I have a photo of it. I am presently working on a skyscape, just started and and interesting cactus study. I guess I really need to do more work of a southwest flavor if I want to paint for the market. But do I? That is the question isn't it?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Crossed hearts


Two fairies bathing.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

After 140 plus days of no rain we are finally wet! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Well, it won't be long until we have a new grandchild. Last night I dreamed I was holding the most beautiful baby girl. Maybe it's a sign. I am sure my daughter is counting the days more than anyone because the last month is not easy for anyone. My wishes are for her days to go by swiftly and the birth to be easy and of course for the baby to be healthy.